Na Maloom Afrad is a latest social, comedy and thriller upcoming Pakistani movie. This is directed by Nabeel Qureeshi and is produced by Fizza Ali Mirza. This will be the second biggest release in Pakistani Film Idustry after waar(film). Some famous serial stars like Javed Sheikh, Fahad Mustafa and Mohsin Abbas Haider had lead roles in this movie.
Na Maloom Afrad Trailer
Theatrical of this movie was released on 27 June 2014 on television and social media. Watch complete trailer below.
Releases Date
This movie is officially planned to be released on 14 August 2014.
Star Cast
Javed Sheikh as Shakeel
Fahad Mustafa[
Mohsin Abbas Haider
Urwa Hocain
Kubra Khan
Salman Shahid as Gogi
Erfan Motiwala
Masood Khan
Nayyar Ejaz
Salim Mairaj
Amber Wajid
Mehwish Hayat
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